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Pocket Chat


Version: 1.0


Pocket Chat is an app with really simple GUI with which you can chat with others. The client uses modules

such as:

  • ​PyQt 5

  • socket

  • errno

  • sys

And server uses 2 modules:​

  • socket

  • select

You have to first set the server's IP in a text file and the you can launch the server. If the IP is correct and there are no problem with the port server should be now running and you will probably be able to connect to it. Once connected, launch client and set your username.

Expect some or even a lot of bugs as it was probably the hardest project I've made.

The download contains: scripts, executable and installer.

NOTE! Don't use two the same usernames as it may crash the client/server or both. Don't overload the server as well. Too many users will crash it especially with long usernames and sending long messages.

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